Interesting facts about Fat Thursday
Here’s some interesting information about Fat Thursday:
-Around 100 million paczki are consumed each year on this day in Poland. What means more than 2,5 paczek for each person in Poland
-Polish bakeries sell sixty times more paczki on Fat Thursday than on any other day
-According to old Polish tradition, if you don’t eat paczek on this day this year will be unlucky for you
-One of rare varieties which you can buy in a few places in Poland is paczek with bacon
-There is the Pączki Eating Championship each year in Poznan. Winner of this year’s ate 10 in 5 minutes, 49 seconds
-Tradition of eating paczki on Fat Thursday in Poland began in XVII th century
-If you find walnut in your paczek, you will be extra lucky this year
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