Lowest Prices of the Season Sale !
Lowest prices of the season for select items. Some items may have limited quantities on sale or be discontinuing. While supplies last!
Some products are individually discounted or have automatic discounts for Buy One Get One sales that will come off in the cart automatically.
No additional discounts can be applied during this sale.
The sale will end December 31, 2024 or while supplies last.
Items in this sale are not eligible for refunds.
For any questions or issues with discounts, you can email us at MyPolishHeritage@gmail.com
Season Sale!

Last name endings shirts with the Eagle.
Each listing has different colors or styles available. If you don't see the ending you want or if you're looking for a different color or shirt style, let us know and we can create something for you!
Email us at MyPolishHeritage@gmail.com
Featured collection